Oscar Dias, PhD
Oscar Dias got his degree in Biological Engineering in 2006. Afterwards, he enrolled in an MSc in Informatics between 2006 and 2008, followed by a PhD in the area of Systems Biology, which he finished 2013. Oscar Dias is currently an Assistant Researcher at CEB at the University of Minho. He teaches at the MSc in Bioinformatics course classes that include mathematical modelling of bioprocesses, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics laboratories and Project in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. Oscar Dias is also the co-founder and CEO of OmniumAI. He has published over 28 peer-reviewed publications, mostly in Q1 journals and 2 book chapters. International and national recognition is also illustrated by the numerous invited talks to the scientific community and the invitations for paper reviewing in journals and international conferences. Oscar Dias is currently supervising 10 MSc students and 7 PhD students. In the last years, he has successfully supervised over 35 MSc thesis and 1 PhD thesis. An important effort has been devoted to the development of open-source software tools, including tools for metabolic modelling (merlin, transyt, BioISO) and machine learning tools applied to Phage research.