Paulo Aguiar, PhD
Paulo Aguiar graduated in Physics (“Enga Física Tecnológica”) from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal, and completed the course work in the Biophysics Doctoral Program at the Institute for Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, University of Lisbon in 2001. He then moved to the United Kingdom for his PhD studies at the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of Edinburgh. After finishing his PhD in Computational Neuroscience (U. Edinburgh, 2006) he joined, as a postdoc in neurobiology, the Neuroscience Unit at the Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Portugal. In 2008 he was awarded a competitive researcher grant in Computational Biology, and in 2013 he was invited to join the National Institute for Biomedical Engineering (INEB) as an Assistant Investigator. Since 2016 he is a Principal Investigator at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), the largest R&D institution for health sciences research in Portugal, where he leads the Neuroengineering and Computational Neuroscience Lab (NCN). Sign of his scientific recognition, he was elected in 2019 Vice-Coordinator of the Neurobiology and Neurologic Disorders Research Program at i3S. Paulo Aguiar is co-author in 70+ international peer-reviewed publications (including in Science, Nat. Cell Biology, J. Neuroscience, PNAS, J. Neural Eng., Medical Image Analysis; over 3400+ citations) and is the core developer of several scientific open-source software. He has already been (co)PI/Task Leader in 18 national and international research projects, obtained in competitive calls.