Marta Ferreira, MSc
Marta Ferreira, MSc, finished her Master’s Thesis in Pharmaceutical Engineering entitled “Transition from the traditional typing methods to the application of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for surveillance of food- and waterborne diseases”, at University of Lisbon in 2017. The work was developed in the Bioinformatics Unit of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA). After improving her training in bioinformatics at IMM – Instituto de Medicina Molecular in Lisbon, she joined the Expression Regulation in Cancer Group at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, in 2017 with a position of junior bioinformatician, under the genomePT project. She became responsible for the development of bioinformatics tools to be used in several projects, such as the PIN projects “Mapping genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity in HER2 positive cancers to anticipate and counteract resistance phenotypes” and “Diabetes & obesity at the crossroads between Oncological and Cardiovascular diseases – a system analysis NETwork towards precision medicine (DOCnet)”; and the European project “SOLVE-RD – Solving the unsolved Rare Diseases: Hereditary Gastric Cancer”.
Marta was awarded with a FCT PhD studentship in 2020 to complete her studies in Bioinformatic in Health at i3S under the supervision of Carla Oliveira and Pedro Ferreira. She has published 5 scientific papers, supervises two Masters student and has been responsible for teaching in Analysis and Interpretation of Next-Generation Sequencing data Module in the PhD Program MCBiology, University of Porto.