Frederico Ferreira, PhD, MBA
Prof Frederico Ferreira is an Associate Professor at the Department of Bioengineering (IST) and leads, at Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience (iBB), the Focus Area Biomaterials and Devices for Advanced Medicine and the “Biomimetic and Bioinspired Materials and Processes Lab” – http://scerg.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/biomatdeviceslab1.html
Frederico C. Ferreira got his Ph.D. in 2004 from Imperial College London (IC), did a post-doc with IC and GlaxoSmithKline (2004-2006). He also holds a MBA (2006-2008) and a BSc on Applied Chemistry (5 years degree with a 2 years specialization inBiotechnology), both from Nova University of Lisbon . He has published c.a. 93 SCI papers (49 on the last five years), h-index of 23 and co-authored 3 patents applications and 6 book chapter. Frederico C. Ferreira did participate on more than 20 R&D projects and launched several novel Curricular Units for Master students in sustainability, entrepreneurship and biomaterials, received 5 awards and/or honors, co-authorship of scientific papers with 200 academics and is co-author of more than 147 (85 oral and 62 poster) presentations.
Ferreira current research interests, balance between fundamental and applied research, with potential translation into the market of sustainable products and processes. The current research lines aim at the development of new processes, reactors and materials, with an emphasis on membrane-based systems, for:
1. Biomimetic and Bioinspired Materials and Processes, with focus on tailoring biomaterials to support stem cell culture;
2. Sustainability separation and biorefineries, with focus on pharmaceutics and food industry and sustainable production of added value products, such as biosurfactants and enzymes.
In 2021, he and his team secured funding from the Good Food Institute on the project Algea2Fish (https://algae2fish.wixsite.com/algae2fish) for development of scaffolds for fish cellular agriculture. This new focus field allows Frederico Ferreira to join two fields to which he is passionate about – sustainable process design and tissue engineering and to develop novel ideas on the field of fish cellular agriculture.
Frederico Ferreira works at Técnico Lisboa, where his research and teaching are committed to foster innovation and sustainability. Dr Frederico has expertise in tailoring biomaterials for stem cell cultivation and differentiation, electrospun fiber production, design of electroconductive scaffolds, and stem cell cultivation under electrical stimuli. Currently, his research group is developing novel edible bioinks made from algae driven materials to bioprint engineered fish tissue. F. Ferreira holds a PhD (2004) from Imperial College London, an MBA (2008) from NOVA Lisboa.