Filipa Barros, PhD
Filipa França de Barros holds a bachelor and master’s degree in Biochemistry from Porto University (Portugal). In 2020, she graduated from Université Paris Cité (France), with a PhD in Neuroscience. Dr.Barros’ thesis focused on visuo-vestibular adaptation and predictive motor signalling during locomotion and was awarded the Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, for the best thesis in Medicine in 2020. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the Neural Circuits Dysfunction laboratory at Champalimaud Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal). Her research focuses on neuronal pathways controlling motor behaviour. Particularly, she seeks to understand the alterations that occur in basal ganglia pathways in pre-clinical models of movement disorders. In 2022 Dr.Barros became a Nell Mondy and Nessa Notchev Fellow (Graduate Women in Science, USA) and received a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia exploratory grant. Additionally, she is an invited assistant professor at Nova Medical School (Lisbon, Portugal) and is involved in scientific associations and public outreach activities.