Anabela Raymundo, PhD
Anabela Raymundo, Chemical engineer, MSc in Food Science and Technology and a PhD in Food Engineering. Associated Professor with Habilitation, coordinator of the LEAF Food and Feed Group LEAF research unit.
Research work in close collaboration with companies, taking an active role in the transfer of knowledge from the university to the industry; Member of the Board of Directors of Portugal Foods and was a founding member of Colab4Food.
Coordinator of teaching areas of Food Rheology and Quality management. Main research areas of interest: functional properties of macromolecules; development of new food products; evaluation of the rheological behavior of different food matrices and relations with the structural composition. Main work focused on using poorly exploited food sources (e.g., microalgae biomass, insects and food industry by-products) to develop high added-value products. Participates in several national and international research. More than 100 ISI papers, supervision of 13 PhD theses and more than 50 Master’s theses. Participation in several national and international research projects, namely as PI. Several awards in the area of innovation by different entities, namely 4 Born From Knowledge prizes granted by the National Innovation Agency.