Nelson Lima, PhD

    Nelson Lima is a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Biotechnology) from UMinho (1993) and in 2004 he was appointed Full Professor at UMinho. His research is related to environmental (biodegradation/biodeterioration) and food mycology, including water biofilms studies, with the integration of polyphasic for fungal identification with long-term preservation. Since 1996 he has been the head of “Micoteca da Universidade do Minho” fungal culture collection and he was a member of the executive board of WFCC and a Collection Officer and past-President of ECCO. Currently, He is the PI of the EU Horizon 2020 IS_MIRRI21 ( project and is responsible to establish the headquarters at UMinho for MIRRI ( He is a partner of the two new Horizon Europa ISIDORe and CanSERV projects and he is the national coordinator of the MIRRI National node (MIRRI-PT/Pt-mBRCN, He has been a partner of Portuguese, EU, and Brazilian research funding projects and an evaluator in several funding agencies. He supervised 24 Ph.D. and 30 M.Sc. theses. He has more than 400 publications (SCOPUS index-h 43), including papers, books, and book chapters, and more than 600 conferences and communications. He is an invited Professor at different Brazilian Universities, Universidade de La Frontera in Chile, and at Milan-Bicocca University in Italy. In 2016, he was granted the title “Professor Honoris Causa” by the University Federal of Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil). More recently, in recognition of his contribution to the mycology field, a new fungal species was named Penicillium limae.