João Gouveia, MSc


    My name is João Gouveia and in 2014, motivated by a will to use technology to enhance human capabilities, I enrolled in the integrated master’s degree in biomedical engineering. During this period had the chance to study a multitude of subjects both here in Lisbon and abroad as in 2017 I had the opportunity to study in Leuven as part of the Erasmus program. During the master’s I focused my studies in Biomechanics and Biomedical Devices and did my final thesis in the subject of orthoses used for rehabilitation.

    After finishing my masters in 2019, I continued to work in the project started during my thesis as a Research Fellow at the Human Robotics Lab at idMEC. During this period, I was able to further develop my skills with both software and hardware as I was given the task of enhancing a working orthosis developed by the lab.

    Currently I’m doing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering focused on the intense study of healthy and pathological human gait and the development of control strategies for Functional Electrical Stimulation devices used in rehabilitation.