Cláudia Martins, MSc
Cláudia Martins is a PhD Candidate at i3S-University of Porto (PT), under a partnership with the School of Pharmacy of University of Nottingham (UK) and University of Louvain (BE). She is a Master in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Porto (PT) since 2017. Some of her current areas of interest include biomaterials, targeted nanomedicine and tissue engineering. Cláudia Martins has developed an extensive work in these areas since 2015, which resulted in a Marie Curie Fellowship and a Co-PI grant scheme funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). She has so far published >15 articles in international peer reviewed journals and 3 book chapters, authored >35 communications in international conferences and was awarded 13 distinctions. During her ongoing PhD, Cláudia Martins has recently been a Visiting Researcher in both academia (Queen’s University Belfast (UK), University of Nottingham (UK), University of Louvain (BE)) and industrial (MyBiotech GmbH (DE)) institutions. She is also enrolled in several Scientific Societies (e.g. CRS, RSC, AACR, EACR) and Technical Committee activities (CRS YSC, SPLC-CRS YSC), is part of the Advisory Committee of the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences of University of Porto and co-coordinates the Pint of Science initiative in Portugal.